Action Metrics

Action Metrics


They specialize in coaching startups to leverage data for growth hacking and business development, transforming raw data into valuable insights through personalized dashboards. They offer a 3-hour diagnostics workshop mapping your business data at a 25% discount.


  • 25% discount
  • 3-hour diagnostics workshop
  • Map your startup's Data Pyramid


Action Metrics coach startups in data-driven entrepreneurship and growth hacking. We support startups in harvesting their data and turn it into valuable information in dashboards. It is founded by Melinda Elmborg, an expert in data-driven entrepreneurship, who previously worked as a Business Intelligence Analyst and in VC at Daphni.

Offer to SUP46 members

3-hour diagnostics workshop where we map your business to find what and how you should best track your data. Together, we identify the metrics that matter with the metrics tree method. Depending on the stage you're in, other areas around data-driven entrepreneurship and growth hacking will be covered. At the end of the workshop, you will receive a personalized report of 6-7 pages summarizing the workshop and providing a checklist of actions to take.

25% discount - 2 997 SEK (instead of 3 997 SEK)

4-hour group training workshop "Master your Metrics" for early-stage founders, which covers all the essentials of data-driven entrepreneurship: KPIs, data infrastructure, fundraising, and growth hacking. The participants gain the title of Metrics Masters.

25% discount - 1 497 SEK (instead of 2 997 SEK)